The polling place was in a church on a rise over cornfields and a weedy pond. Flocks of honking Canada geese were landing.
In a corner of the pond, a green frog (Rana clamitans) was floating, its forelegs stretched out in the water, enjoying what may be the last warm day of the season. Winter is coming. The winters here are long and dark, but if it is lucky that frog will still be alive when spring comes again. I hope so.
In a church? You mean the ACLU and their ilk haven't protested such things loudly enough, to prevent them happening? Interesting!
Voting in a church is rather nice -- this one is a lot less depressing and run down than the Village Hall I used to vote in, before they put in the new subdivisions in. Plus, since voting is basically a religious ritual, it seems appropriate.
Ha! Touché. Indeed, I have heard of some churches that have preached, from the pulpit, that NOT voting is a sin. With this, I heartily and vehemently disagree; I haven't voted in federal Canadian elections for the last three elections.
And of course, like a religious ritual, if one doesn't participate in the voting ritual, one is condemned for it, by those who do participate. When I told someone (from my church, as it happens - which isn't one of those which says it's wrong to not vote, but I'd not be surprised if most members believed that) about my not voting, he responded that my doing so, meant I had forfeited my right to complain, a common argument, which I've never really understood. But I simply answered the truth, that I probably won't complain, anyway, since nothing any politician does or doesn't do surprises me any more.
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